Saturday, 29 March 2014


Evaluation of current organizational culture is highly important and in this way we get to know about the firm culture and then can take any kind of action. We should be clear at this stage that there is no fixed rule to evaluate the current organizational culture but there are few things through which we can evaluate the current organizational culture. This is merely based on observation. Here before we describe evaluating current culture we need to understand that what are the elements that make culture of any firm? These elements are as follows;
Ø  Employees.
Ø  Size of the firm.
Ø  Nature of the business.
Ø  Leadership.
Ø  Management.
Ø  Plans.
Ø  Policies.
Ø  Mission.
Ø  Objective etc.

These things together make the culture and to evaluate current culture we need to evaluate them. Current culture can be evaluated by looking the employees and the ways they handle the problems and conflicts within the organization. Their participation level and the level of their working together also contribute in evaluating current culture. Culture can also be evaluated by evaluating employees’ performances in pointing out and resolving problems.  We can also observe it by observing the reward and punishment system or policy of the firm. Culture can also be evaluated by looking the innovative or creative level of the firm, company’s response, action and support for new ideas. We can also evaluate it by looking at the company’s efforts towards delivering values and norms. The best way to evaluate is to check the company’s behavior towards dealing with employees on different issues. We can also check it by the company’s hiring and firing process. What are the ways company hires or fires someone? We can also check it by evaluating the company’s behavior with old employees and offering incentives during and after job. All these things together make culture and actually their evaluation is the evaluation of the current culture of the organization. 

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Tuesday, 25 March 2014


We know that culture is dependent on the people working in the firm and region where the firm is located. There are many factors which influence organizational culture. Their influential can be at greater level or minor level but they affect. We divide them into two main categories and these categorize are internal factors and external factors. Internal factors as we know belong to the internal matters of the firm and external factors belong to the things outside the firm.
If we talk about internal factors we can say that internal factors count a lot in the cultural development of the firm as well as maintaining the culture in the firm. These factors include;
   Workers / employees.
  Working environment.
  Discrimination (if any).
  Family background.
  Working hours.
   Punishments and rewards etc.
These are the basic internal factors. We also add the environment – internal environment which is a broad term. How the company behaves at the time of employees hiring and departure is also added in this term.
External factors also play a vital role in influencing the organizational culture. Like internal factors they are also of great importance. External factors are factors which are outside the firm but directly or indirectly affect the culture of the firm. Some of these factors are controllable while many of these are beyond control. These factors include;
Political condition of the area or region of the world.
Taxation policies.
Religious and cultural laws.
Community etc.

Together they are the factors that can influence the culture of the
 firm. Some of the factors are controllable and company can make
 necessary changes while some of the factors are beyond control.

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Monday, 24 March 2014

Actions to be taken by the manager in dealing with the staff welfare issue.

Managers need to take quick and according to the need actions so that staff welfare issue can be solved and employees can work in a better way. The most important thing for manager is to be informed well so that he can think about the topic and can do something. If the manger is not well informed then how can he solve the issue? He should be serious in solving such problems. Managers can observe the condition and then can find out the different things attached with staff welfare. By asking employees, by introducing questionnaire etc managers can be well informed about the staff welfare related issued and then with the help of experts can find out the solutions.  

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What is Culture?

Collectively when we talk about the values, behavior and norms of the firm, we are actually talking about the culture of the firm. It is a set of all the values, behavior and norms both internally as well as externally.
Culture varies from organization to organization. Different cultures can be seen in different firms dependent on the people working in the firm, regions of the firm and believers in the firm. For example the firm in Europe is having different culture from the firm in Japan. The firm where Christians work has different culture as compared to the firm where Buddhist or Hindus work. In short, culture is the identity of the firm.
Determining framework for analyzing culture has never been simple. There is no fixed rule to analyze the culture. In fact it is one’s insight and observation through which we get to know the culture of the firm. The best way through which we can analyze the firm’s culture is to observe its activities, reactions and decisions internally as well externally. When we analyze firm on different occasions we get to know about its culture. We can also get to know about this by observing that how the firm deals with its employees. The way and reasons employees join or resign or leave the firm. The kind of incentives and treatments the firm offers to its employees in different kinds of events also help us in analyzing its culture.

So in short we can say that personal abilities are so much involved in analyzing culture of any firm but we need to be very much careful while observation and analyzing culture. We should keep in mind that it is not made up of one thing it is a complete set of values, behaviors and norms. 

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Thursday, 20 March 2014

Processing of Accessing Staff Welfare.

There are number of ways through which we can assess staff welfare. The method which is at the top of the list is the comparison method. We can also observe or access it with the help of working as well as behavior of the staff. If staff’s behavior is not good or they are not behaving the way they are expected then we can say that this might be because of the need of staff welfare. When the people are not working according to change environment and they can see a difference between the firm and the other firms in the market. At this tie manager should understand and assess staff welfare. Through it he can also check the results. For this he can also take the suggestions of the staff, management team, top management, external surveys etc and after getting data he can find out the needs and can do his work accordingly. 

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Relationship Between Staff Welfare and the Organizational Objectives.

Organizational objectives are those tasks which organizations select to be achieved in order to get success and in order to make sure the existence. Staff welfare is the name of those incentives which organizations offer to keep their staff happy and prosperous, such incentives which are helpful for the employees. There is a great relationship between staff welfare and the organizational objectives.

Organizational objectives are based on staff and need proper concentration of staff. If staff works well organization can achieve its goals and targets easily and if staff does not show the required response then there is a danger to the existence of the firm. Both are dependent, see if we think about staff welfare then the staff will be happy and think like a member of the firm. In this way we can get the attention and loyalty of the firm and when the organization has loyal staff then the speed on the track of success is normally fast. 

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Wednesday, 19 March 2014


It is well said that there is nothing permanent except change and change is the law of nature. When we carefully examine the things around us we come to conclusion that there is a need of regular changing in the plans and policies according to the demand and the need. When there is any change in the society, demand or need then a change in the personal development plan is also compulsory because by using the old goals and targets we cannot achieve the modern goals and targets.

We need to change or review the things constantly. By doing this we can make sure the success factor and can make or follow the plan according to the needs and demands. For example one student made a plan that within next three years he will go to America to study higher. Now all the next plans in personal development plan is based on this plan and if unluckily he does not succeed in going to America and does not get admission I the desired degree then the same old development plan will not prove helpful and there is an extreme need to review or change the personal development plan in according to stand with the new conditions and circumstances. 
