Thursday, 20 March 2014

Relationship Between Staff Welfare and the Organizational Objectives.

Organizational objectives are those tasks which organizations select to be achieved in order to get success and in order to make sure the existence. Staff welfare is the name of those incentives which organizations offer to keep their staff happy and prosperous, such incentives which are helpful for the employees. There is a great relationship between staff welfare and the organizational objectives.

Organizational objectives are based on staff and need proper concentration of staff. If staff works well organization can achieve its goals and targets easily and if staff does not show the required response then there is a danger to the existence of the firm. Both are dependent, see if we think about staff welfare then the staff will be happy and think like a member of the firm. In this way we can get the attention and loyalty of the firm and when the organization has loyal staff then the speed on the track of success is normally fast. 

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